Graham is a professional artist born in North East Essex and is an elected member of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI). He has served on the Council of the ROI as Membership Secretary. His love of landscape oil painting stems from the adaptability and responsiveness of the medium as well as his family connections to the landscape. East Anglian painters such as Edward Seago, Harry Becker and John Constable are constant sources of inspiration. Most of Graham's paintings are influenced by changing atmospheres and appreciation of nature and the landscape itself whether at home in East Anglia or further afield.
He was commissioned to write oil painting and drawing chapters in a book entitled 'Artists Painting Techniques' published by Dorling Kindersley and was the consultant artist for 'Artists Drawing Techniques' by the same publishers. He writes articles regularly for The Artist Magazine, has been featured in Artists and Illustrators Magazine and is listed in 'Who's Who in Art'. Graham's paintings have also been used on set for the BBC. His first instructional film 'Inspired by Atmosphere' was produced by Townhouse Films in 2022 and is available on DVD or to stream and a book about Graham and his work, published in the same year, was written by gallery director Adrian Hill FRSA. He is an accomplished demonstrator and painting teacher, available to give painting demonstrations to art groups and societies, if you would like more information, please use the contact page. Graham runs workshops every month near Colchester, Essex and tutors on painting holidays around the UK.
Graham's paintings are collected throughout the UK, Europe and the USA and are also held in the Albert Sloman Library's (University of Essex) permanent collection.
'As an artist, my goal is to capture the atmosphere of a place, inviting viewers to see beyond my interpretation and connect with the subject in their own way. I paint both en plein air and in the studio, often drawn to the vast, open skies of East Anglia and the way they shape the landscape. Working exclusively with the three primary colours and white, I aim to create harmony and a strong sense of environment in my paintings. Brushstrokes are essential to my process; I focus on translating the energy and character of the scene. My work reflects a deep connection to the landscapes and coastlines that hold personal meaning for me, and I strive to share that connection through my art.'
Selected Awards
Menena Joy-Schwabe Memorial Award - Given for an outstanding oil painter at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters Exhibition
Daler-Rowney Prize - IEA Committee's Choice for a group of paintings
Frank Herring Award - Given at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters Exhibition
'Cattle by the River Stour' Highly Commended by the Clayden Estate (National Trust) during 'The People's Landscape' exhibition
Notable Exhibitions
Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Mall Galleries, London
Royal Society of British Artists, Mall Galleries, London
Royal Society of Marine Artists, Mall Galleries, London
Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London and W H Paterson, London
Thompson's Gallery, Aldeburgh, Solo Shows 2018. 2020
The Gallery. Holt, Solo Show 2020, 2022
'Personal Greats' M1 Fine Art, London
Llewellyn Alexander (Fine Paintings). London
'An Exhibition of 20th and 21st Century Artists', Thompson's Gallery
'Inspired by Atmosphere' The Landscape Paintings of Graham Webber ROI by Adrian Hill FRSA, published 2022
The Artist magazine - regular contributor
Artists and Illustrators
Artists Painting Techniques - Dorling Kindersley
Artists Drawing Techniques (Artist Consultant) - Dorling Kindersley
Who's Who in Art
'Inspired by Atmosphere' with Graham Webber ROI IEA, Atmospheric Landscapes in Oil produced by Townhouse Films 2022
The Albert Sloman Library (University of Essex) permanent collection
Private collectors around the world including in the UK, France, Italy, Germany, US, China, Canada, Spain, The Netherlands...